Please help our athletes by volunteering at the matches!
Match Night:
Position JVC match JV match Varsity
Lines 1
Lines 2
Scorekeeper Varsity Player Varsity Player JV Player
Libero-tracker Varsity Player Varsity Player
Scoreboard Varsity Player Varsity Player
National Anthem X X PLAYER
Game Write-ups
Please consider volunteering this year! We have a great parent group in the BHS Volleyball community and it's nice to see so many people getting involved! We can always use more help!
We have many volunteer positions that need to be filled throughout the season. Roles that span the season, or are dedicated to a non-game event, are listed to the right. Please let anyone from of our Booster group know if you are interested and willing to volunteer!
Volunteer Contacts
Full-Season Roles
- Heidi Adam-Lead
- Concessions
-Ticket Sales
Anna Hammarwall
Yingnan Li
Varsity Team Coordinator
JV Team Coordinator
JVC Team Coordinator
Spirit Wear
Dig Pink Night
- Heidi Adam - Lead
Senior Night
- Lead:
- Co - Lead:
- Co - Lead:
Season photos -
Varsity -
JV -
JVC Team -
Match Announcer
Varsity -
JV -
JVC Team -
Match Video/Streaming
Varsity -
JV -
JVC Team -
Game Write-up
Varsity -
JV -
JVC Team -
Contact Heidi Adam to volunteer for a role!
In addition to the seasonal volunteer roles listed on the right, there are game day volunteer positions that we need to fill at each home match. We will be sending out signup information soon.
Position - Match Needed
Line Ref 1 - JV and C matches
Line Ref 2 - JV and C matches
Announcers - JV and C matches
Game Write-ups - JV and C matches
Libero Tracker - Varsity match
Scoreboard - Varsity match
National Anthem - Varsity match